* EXPERIMENTAL Audio AutoIndexer. it ONLY shows mp3 files!*
If you have iTunes 4.8 or newer, you can click * HERE * for a Podcast!

 0) {
	$mp3file = new CMP3File;
	print "\n";
	// print "\nlink:".$rootMP3URL htmlentities(str_replace(" ", "%20", $filename));
	$filename=htmlentities(str_replace(" ", "%20", $filename));
	$ksize=round(filesize($filename)/1048576, 1);
	print "";
	print "";
	print "";
	print "";
  print "";
  print "";
  print "";
  print "";
//	print "";
	// print "
MB Newscast for: Program Show Host Year Comment genre
MB filename title album artist year comment genre
".$ksize."".$filename."".$mp3file->title."".$mp3file->album."".$mp3file->artist."".$mp3file->year."".$mp3file->comment."".$mp3file->genre."".date('D M dS Y',$filedate)."".htmlentities($rootMP3URL)." "; // Filename? $maxFeed--; } // // Functions and Classes function stripJunk ($text) { // Strip non-text characters for ($c=0; $c= 32 AND ord($text[$c]) <= 122) $outText.=$text[$c]; } return $outText; } class CMP3File { //properties var $title; var $artist; var $album; var $year; var $comment; var $genre; function getid3 ($file) { // read the ID3 or ID3v2 tag from an MP3 file if (file_exists($file)) { //after verifying the file exists, $id_start = filesize($file) - 128; $fp = fopen($file, "r"); fseek($fp, $id_start); $tag = fread($fp,3); if ($tag == "TAG") { $this->title = stripJunk(trim(fread($fp, 30))); $this->artist = stripJunk(trim(fread($fp, 30))); $this->album = stripJunk(trim(fread($fp, 30))); $this->year = stripJunk(trim(fread($fp, 4))); $this->comment = stripJunk(trim(fread($fp, 30))); $this->genre = stripJunk(trim(fread($fp, 1))); fclose($fp); return true; } else { // No ID3 tag fclose($fp); return false; } } else //the file doesn't exist return false; } } function getDir($mp3Dir) { // Returns directory as array[file]=date in newest to oldest order $dirArray = array(); $diskdir = "./$mp3Dir/"; if (is_dir($diskdir)) { $dh = opendir($diskdir); while (($file = readdir($dh)) != false ) { if (filetype($diskdir . $file) == "file" && $file[0] != ".") { if (strrchr(strtolower($file), ".") == ".mp3") { $ftime = filemtime($mp3Dir."/".$file); $dirArray[$file] = $ftime; } } } closedir($dh); } asort($dirArray); $dirArray = array_reverse($dirArray); return $dirArray; } ?>